March 9, 2020

I pulled the 5 of Wands in reverse.

Flaming sticks with two eagle-snakes skewered on the top. The two phoenix heads and the flower wands are criss-crossing with the ribbony flames shooting out. The yellow is a strong bold color.

The card is weirdly unsettling to me. I mean, I guess it is supposed to be because it is...strife. But since it is revrsed the card is mitigated. So I guess the day is about avoiding conflict. I kind of feel like the wands represnt me for some reason at this point. I am a stick-in-the-mud? A stick-in-the-eyes? We shall see.

The day's highlights:
I started the day annoyed and carried it all the way through. Championship.
I got stuck on a floor for over three hours and had to weather a number of situations where people were trying to rub me the wrong way. I just sailed through and ignored it all because screw that.
The office was over 84 degrees and i was wearing a longsleeve shirt.
I decided to wash my car, that was good.
I took a walk with my dog as the sun went down. That really helped.

The day was overall... oddly unsettling, but I successfully avoided conflict.

(Cards are: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot. c. 1986 by AGMuller. ISBN 10: 3-905021-60-9)


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