March 8, 2020

I pulled the Hanged Man

What a soothing color palate of seafoam green and blue! This card has the man who is hanged (yeah, that's right, you hung the laundry but hanged the man, total pet peeve of mine when people get that wrong) upside down by his foot. Three disks, the triangle formed by his arms, an ankh, and a couple of snakes. I'm going to go with a weak sun in the upper part of the card and some water at the bottom.

Who doesn't love the Major Arcana for a mixed message? Is there something holding me back? Looks lke I need to take a time out. With snakes. Maybe I need a pet snake. Maybe I will come across a snake while I am outside today (in the weak Syracuse sun). Guess it is time to reflect on snakes. Snake the drains?

The day's highlights:
My student cancelled tutoring today so I got to have a welcome timeout this morning with no pressing requirements on the day.
I went x-c skiing with one of my friends, the sky was blues! (with a weak sun) There were snow-snakes, but no one actually fell :-).
I enjoyed three episodes of the show I am currently watching, like the three disks.
My ex-bf stopped by to say hi. I wonder if that has something to do with the ankh. He has a round head? Two arms? Dunno.
I could not sleep because of the shift in time and because my day was so relaxing, so the day ended with me feeling like I was hanging upsidedown.

The day was overall...sadly free of snakes, but rich in reflection.

(Cards are: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot. c. 1986 by AGMuller. ISBN 10: 3-905021-60-9)


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