
Showing posts from March, 2020

March 9, 2020

I pulled the 5 of Wands in reverse. Flaming sticks with two eagle-snakes skewered on the top. The two phoenix heads and the flower wands are criss-crossing with the ribbony flames shooting out. The yellow is a strong bold color. The card is weirdly unsettling to me. I mean, I guess it is supposed to be because it is...strife. But since it is revrsed the card is mitigated. So I guess the day is about avoiding conflict. I kind of feel like the wands represnt me for some reason at this point. I am a stick-in-the-mud? A stick-in-the-eyes? We shall see. The day's highlights: I started the day annoyed and carried it all the way through. Championship. I got stuck on a floor for over three hours and had to weather a number of situations where people were trying to rub me the wrong way. I just sailed through and ignored it all because screw that. The office was over 84 degrees and i was wearing a longsleeve shirt. I decided to wash my car, that was good. I took a walk with my

March 8, 2020

I pulled the Hanged Man What a soothing color palate of seafoam green and blue! This card has the man who is hanged (yeah, that's right, you hung the laundry but hanged the man, total pet peeve of mine when people get that wrong) upside down by his foot. Three disks, the triangle formed by his arms, an ankh, and a couple of snakes. I'm going to go with a weak sun in the upper part of the card and some water at the bottom. Who doesn't love the Major Arcana for a mixed message? Is there something holding me back? Looks lke I need to take a time out. With snakes. Maybe I need a pet snake. Maybe I will come across a snake while I am outside today (in the weak Syracuse sun). Guess it is time to reflect on snakes. Snake the drains? The day's highlights: My student cancelled tutoring today so I got to have a welcome timeout this morning with no pressing requirements on the day. I went x-c skiing with one of my friends, the sky was blues! (with a weak su

March 7, 2020

I pulled the Princess of Swords. This is a dynamic card. The princess looks like she is leaping out of whatever is burning below her. It looks like there is an altar, or maybe a chair behind her. No goats though. So sad. She is pointing her sword down in a dangerous move that could backfire. Looks like I might be up for some challenges today. I better decide what is important to fight for, I don't want to go around accidentally stabbing myself. No animals appear to be involved though. Unless those clouds are the farts of three bloodhounds...could be! The day's highlights: I thought about venturing forth to take care of some errands that would have me cross paths with someone whom I am having a disagreement with. I decided to postpone that interaction to prevent knifing myself by accident. Maybe there is a more auspicious day to cut me up? Nah. Went on a date, it went well but I probably have too strong a personality for that match... thank you Princess for reminding m

March 6, 2020

I pulled the Princess of Wands. This is interesting. This card has a sleeping tiger with its tail wrapped around the neck of a nude woman (the Princess?) who is holding a sun wand and wearing a weird-ass hat. There are also some flowers with flames shooting out of them...or maybe they are some burning pasteries.  So, hmmm, there is a lot of energy here. Except for the cat. That is a super lazy cat. It looks like I should be avoiding sweets and running naked. Since I have to work today, I think I will keep my clothes on. I feel like I should avoid the cat because she will try to hold me back.  The day's highlights: So I did not avoid sweets. But I successfully didn't eat junk food in the evening...go me. I was all hyped up on life during the day, so I got a lot done. But my over-exuberence was also noted by my coworkers. I made it to the gym for the third time this week and was still wearing clothes. And I have yet to see the cat. Upshot, pa

March 5, 2020

I pulled the Emperor reversed. There is an emperor (duh) with goats, pentacles (mmmm wheels of cheese), a sheild, some fleur de lis and the doohicky he is holding in his hand, and the scepter. The Emperor is a representation of order, structure, heirachy, blah blah. In reverse it represents it looks like today is going to be chaotic, possibly a "shit show", and I will need my "shit shield" and keep track of my goats. If all I do is keep track of the goats I should be OK today. The day's highlights: Some jackass tried to break into my house last night and left the door open so a couple of the dogs were out wandering in the yard. All goats accounted for. There were 9 new consults, a nurse who was unable to work, a confused purchasing person, two appointments scheduled at the same time, and the usual reconsults. All patients seen and one meeting was moved up and the other appointment was able to wait. All goats accounted for. Made it home t

March 4 2020

I pulled the Queen of Wands reversed. There is a leopard, and red shooting flames surrounding a queen who is strong and regal. So I obviously must sit with my cat and be powerful today. The day's highlights: Sat in chair most of the day and cross stitched while watching multiple episodes of Merlin. The cat was present throughout. I got snow tires, which cost money, I should have stayed in the safety of my chair. The day was overall... powerful with a cat. (Cards are: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot. c. 1986 by AGMuller. ISBN 10: 3-905021-60-9)